The method of installation is studied and planned per project, because the structural frames and other parts can be erected in various ways depending on the type the project: bridges/small-large span, low rise building, high building, site conditions, accessibility of the cranes etc

LYKOMITROS STEEL aims the installation works to be executed in a safe, economical and efficient manner.
Thus, it is performed by specialized skilled work force with all required mechanical means (cranes, aerial platforms etc). Senior engineer/s of our company supervise the whole process throughout its duration.
Throughout our experience, there are some general practices that have been proven sound over the years:
- The structures must be planned to be unloaded and arranged close to the erection points. This precaution step is taken in order to avoid confusion on site by removing the structures and , moreover, to avoid any unexpected damages of paint and shapes caused by these removals.
- Developing the erection, some pre-assembly of the steelwork might be undertaken in order to ensure the part – erected stability. Then, the assembly will be developed according project’s specification (bolted or welded). In cases that some parts will be assembled as bolted, these parts will be removed at a later stage.
- Cranes are only released when all connection bolts are inspected for their tightness.
- All erector staff attends induction training prior to commencing work, where the supervisor engineer analyzes to the participants the hazards and the risks of the project.
- PPE equipment is provided and its use is compulsory. In case it is required roofing works, safety nets will be installed.
- A meeting is held at the start of every shift in order to analyze the work to be done during that shift, the hazards involved and the control measures in place to manage any risk.
The performed works are closely monitored and inspected our established quality systems. Some indicative inspections are as follows: